
Showing posts from December, 2022

Happy New Year 2023

Yesterday Dave & I went to see Mom at Birch Healthcare.  Mom's room was mostly dark but for the Christmas lights around her board of photographs. A small Christmas tree and the lamp beside her bed. She was sleeping but sitting in an upright 90 degree angle with her head down forward. When we greeted her she said she didn't feel well but couldn't tell me why. I got her nurse Damien for her who Gave her meds checked her oxygen and layed her back. Her hair was beautiful silver brushed down and to her front. She was wearing new snuggle soft red checkered pj's that staff members bought her for Christmas. We gave her water and turned the TV Hallmark channel on. Mom told me her potato candy recipe when I asked about it. Just mashed potatoes with powdered sugar to make like a Pie crust spread peanut butter on it roll it up and cut into pieces She kept falling asleep so I kissed her forhead and left Dave bought me a singer sewing machine. We don't know where we will put

This was the project I was working on for Conny

We bought the kit at the light house gift shop on Monhegan Island for the puffin. I finished it and asked Dave tp order the tray. I just finished it this morning to give to Conny tomorrow when we see her.

Shane and Ruby

Shane and I decided to watch Eragon last night. He fell asleep with Ruby.

Goals for January

Get back to the works Build smugmug Create communication eagle cards Plan Dave's Birthday event Jan 23


It took me awhile but i got him to smile

Aunt Margie Connolly

Aunt Margie is my Mom's sister. They live on Maryland. She had 5 boys. Chris Steve Matt Pat and Terry She's living in assisted living now near Matt. This was their Christmss photo  

Date Night

Dave is on his way home from work to take me out to Wind Jammers in Rochester. It's a seafood place. If we don't make it in time we will just go somewhere else but I'm sitting in our driveway warming up the infinity with the seat heaters on! Faith and Chris should be in Texas by now. Michael texted me he's working on getting his Dad's medical records. I just texted back that I don't mean to butt in but I'm here if he needs me

Great tequila

I don't like talking about my alcohol consumption. I was arrested back on 1984 for DWI I Somersworth NH. I was so young.  I went to Station 319 where my warehouse manager Charlie was having a going away party.  I even got up and sang with the guitarist "You've got a friend" by James Taylor. But I was driving an old Fury 3 that had a passenger door that stuck.  My friend Kathy who worked with me was trying to get in the car and we were giggling as I got in the car and kicked the door as she pulled. The bar was across the street from the police station. They watched the whole ordeal. I turned my signal on but didn't turn as I passed the unlit side street. I couldn't do the sobriety test very well in my heels and uphill. I plead guilty anyway. Had to do an alcohol awareness class with the airforce and the state with MADD. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. I have not had a drink and driven since. BuT Back to today. This tequila is the bomb. Give me the h

last night

Crysta went to see Chris last night on hercway home from work. I went over to meet her and say goodbye to him but she had already left. He's left to live with Michael in Runaway Bay Tdxas. Faith flying with him. Chrissy and Chris gave me a bottle of raspberry wine from Flag Hill in Lee. She said I gave them cookies I wish I had something to give Chris fir his journey. He thought he was just going for a visit. I made light of it and said I was jealous. I haven't seen Michael's house yet and it's in the 70s there! Maybe I'll mail a photo book for Jim. Here's to us.

Gift for Mom

Dave and I went to Walmart and bought mom a Roku TV for $118 so she could watch Star Wars Disney and Hallmark.Those are her favorite! Dave set it up right away and we started watching Mandolirian with her.

Gift for Conny Barke4

I started on this right after our boat trip. Just getting around to finishing to put in a breakfast tray for Conny. We are going to visit her next weekend when she gets back from Julie's in Virginia.

and I wanted to ask

Is your hatred for him stronger than your love for me?

Merry Christmas

This is the first poet for my next printed book.  I couldn't think of a better day than the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ who gave a new beg8nning for all of us.  Many people who do not celebrate that still celebrate this day as a time for kindness and giving. How can I criticize that? I missed church. I felt guilty about it but convinced myself it doesn't make me a bad person. My kids can't be here until the weekend after next forca get together. Michael and Shawna in Texas with their black Christmas tree. Shane was here for breakfast. I gave him a whittling knife books and some drift wood to practice.  Crysta is in CT I think. Faith going to Chris and Chrissy house. It's chris last Christmas there. Shane headed over too.  I was invited but don't want to leave Dave here alone. Dave is now napping and I'm trying to finish his mom's puffin breakfast tray. She's with Julie in Virginia so we are going to celebrate with her next we

Dave helped decorate Gingerbread bears!


Before Christmas

Yesterday Dave spent $300 at Aldi and another $200 at Hannafords. We haven't been shopping since Thanksgiving but we also nought a lot of baking supplies.  I went to see Mom after and she asked me to make her some peanut butter cookies and talked a out getting her a TV for Christmas. I also brought her laundry home to do. When Shane got out of work Craig came over. I made a batch of Gingerbread bears and Caroline's sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. I will have to take some to mom tomorrow. Dave was on the radio for awhile and asked me to make cookies for the group for Weds. Joe Kramer? Coming to store. It was also laundry day. Dave's then Shane's stuff from his car. Then Mom's. I don't know if I will get to mine. This morning I got up at 5am. I would have gone back to sleep after alarm but dogs were barking and whining.. fed them let them out fed cats. Managed to clear one side of sink out in a disaster kitchen to make coffee and taking a bath.  With all

Another day on the books

Oil delivery yesterday $960.200 gallons. Loki came over to stay a week. Dave had bath bombs from Hitsy Totsy in New Mexico delivered to me. LESLIE had packed them and left me a sticky note in the box which made them extra special. Craig Goddard came to visit Shane last night. We got pizza and started to watch a comedian on netflix...Senastian I think his name was but then Shane had to go on a RTTS class and when it was over they left for Schaeffers. Dave came home and had some pizza we watched NCIS I fell asleep on the couch then he got me up to go to bed. I can't seem to think of words for things like I used to. I also get frustrated easily when it comes to technology. Finally gave up on Zenfolio and trying Smugmug again. I was also going to pay Shane's EZPass settlement of 657 but they were closed 

59 day 2

After work Faith came over and we started to decorate tree when Dave asked if I needed help. Faith was working on her homework but stopped to help.  Crysta said she would meet us at Granite steak instead of coming over and Shane was on his way from work. Dave came home early so he could take us all out to dinner for me and Crystas birthday. We got to Granite Steak and they were closed. I didn't plan that out very well. So I quickly changed it to Eastern Quisine down the street. We ordered more food than we could eat. It was good in a way so Faith could take some home to Donny. Crysta got literally sick and had to leave but she gave me beautiful Gerber daisies a bath bomb and a card that almost made me cry.  Here's what day 2 of 59 looks like!

Bath reading

Leslie sent me books that I received on my birthday yesterday. So instead of playing Candy Crush this morning I read a few chapters of Snips & Snails & Walnut Whales. It's a nature craft book for children. I've already learned how to make daisy chains and sand dried flowers! Dave bought me a new dayplanner and a kit to make bath bombs and took me out to dinner at LA Corona our favorite neighborhood spot. Mercedes waited on us which was another treat! Dave also fixed out bubble Christmas lights and put them on the tree. NOW just waiting for kids to help with ornaments

Crystas birthday present

We bought Crysta a used Roland digital piano with weighted keys for her birthday. She found one on line and sent me the link so I bid on it. It was all the way near Plymouth! She sent me a text asking if I would help pay for it because she bid 200. I had already bid the full price and had them throw in the stool too. So Dave and I drove to Holderness and picked it up. We stopped on the way back to Alton for a Reuben one of my favorites. It was after 10pm by the time we made it to Crystas but she loved it!