
Showing posts from April, 2022

Happy Birthday Julie Little

Daves sister Julie on left, and neice Joy on right. 

Colleens Quilt late entry

I didn't have 5 years to make a Quilt for Colleen like this one but found one at Trinkets and Treasurez. Success! She and Ray both love it!

Conquest of England

I found this book while unpacking my boxes in garage. Curious, i looked up Charles Parker 1887. Salem Ma. He was one of Parker Brothers of Parker Brothers that created the game Monopoly, which i love to play.


Dave wants to go boating this weekend. It will be the first outing of the year. I'm a little apprehensive due to my back pain.


Mom was discharged from Frisbie while I was there. They are giving her oral antibiotics instead of IV.  I didn't know, Birch Health nurse didn't know. I went to Birch Hill to meet her.  I don't think she was ready. Not eating. Sleeping all the time. We will see.

The whole family day in bed


Ruby watching over me


out of work

It was stupid. I went to see Mom on Monday. She said the room was too bright so I hurriedly tried to close her blinds in the hospital room. But to do that I had to kneel on a piece of furniture over extend my arm and pull on the pulleys. It felt like they had never been closed before it took a few tries. Then I had to do the bottom one too. My back hurt a little yesterday but today I cat get out of bed without assistance. I texted my cousin JoAnne Fonner in West Virginia. This is the picture I sent her.

Kris Karmazon

Kris saw that I was on Facebook so she video called me. I gave her status if mom and we talked probably longer than we have in a ling time. She's in Erie and was visiting her mom with her sisters to celebrate her Mom's 88th birthday. She reminded me her wedding date is May 30. I'm guessing because I either got the date wrong in the last calendar I did or omitted. Either way, this is one of their wedding pictures I have from that day!

Kris and Charlie



❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 

went to see Mom

Saw mom at Frisbie again. She has another UTI second round of antibiotics by IV starts tomorrow. She hasn't been on Gabapentin since she was admitted.  Had a neurological eval and ultrasound of kegs. She ate a little today. Hooray!

Lone Oaks

After visiting Mom, Dave took me to Lone Oaks home made ice cream! I got a boring hot fudge sundae, while he ordered a caramel sundae with cookie dough and butter crunch ice cream. He knows his ice cream


Mom still very sleepy today, not feeling well, and hemoglobin numbers off. They think she may have an internal bleed somewhere. No plan for discharge. However she did wake up to talk to me and order a lunch. I told her she really needed to eat, even if all she wanted was a banana. Pickles, beets, and ice cream!

LA Corona Rochester


Happy to see me

I had to wait in the waiting room. She was still in Emergency room 5. They were busy with her. Whatever that meant.  I sat in an empty waiting room. Strange for a Saturday morning.. The hospital didn't have any beds and mom had to wait for someone to recover and be discharged. Like a hotel, that usually happens around 11. Finally called in to see her as people started to fill the waiting room to be seen. Mom was looking a little better. More color, comfortable. I went up and gave her a kiss. She smiled. Said she was cold. I got a couple heated blankets, and she wanted one over head and shoulders. "WoW Wonderful" she said. And I took this picture. A man with covid symptoms was put in a bed in the hallway just outside her door. Then a glass door to her room was shut. I stayed with her for a few hours on a little stool next to her bed. The world was hustling and bustling about us. In those quiet hours just vis itting next to mom. Holding her hand or putting my head next to h

Mom's admission


The phone call

Yesterday afternoon I get a text right after work. "Call me. It's about Mom" Colleen usually doesn't sent coded messages like that. I got a lump in my throat. She was supposed to be on her Friday family zoom call. I managed to call her while driving David's truck home. She asked if I had my car. YES, I said. David's truck. My car. Whatever get the info. Mom was not responsive and they couldn't wake her for zoom call. Her oxygen was 74. She's being taken by ambulance to Frisbie hospital. Call when you get there.  Ok. I called Dave at work and hr said he would meet me there. I got there about an hour later. They were busy with her but they let me in the room. Chest x rays,c2 orders of labs. CAT SCAN. A second CT. She didn't look herself.  I sat beside her. I moved to a chair at her feet. I asked what was going on but in the hustle I didn't really get it. I don't remember the doctors name. The nurse was Jessica. They couldn't tell me what


My phone stopped working so I had to come to Holland Way in Exeter to work again. An hour from home. And I have to keep working from here until my new phone cones in. I had to drive Dave's truck because Crysta has my car. She's getting a new car today. Honda Fit.

Date with Dave and Rick


Trying to get photos displayed in Every state

My first exhibit was At Art Tech Innovation in Massachusetts. I displayed "Spot" my seal from Duck Island.  I also Exhibited at Deerfield Fair and Starcraft Galleries in Epping NH, and Exeter Hospital Art wall. In Maine I exhibited at Atlantic Motorsports and Thornton Oaks. I'm working on getting my stuff in every state, even if just a card on the wall like this one in Redmond Washington!

My photo displayed in Redmond Washington



It cost .40 to mail a postcard. I'm sending out Eagle postcards today to Michael. Shay. And KT Benedetto.  It's been a long time since I sent anyone a postcard. I WONDER if I should make some with my own photographs. My photos are just as good as these:

Job on the side

Worked 11pm to 3am this morning as a Behavioral Health Sitter at Exeter Hospital.  Watched someone sleep. It makes you more tired than an hour long workout!

Crysta learns to ride my motorcycle

Crysta came over for breakfast, then we went to Lowes parking lot and I showed her how to ride my Rebel. The one Michael bought me for mother's day when he was 18. I think I posted that already. Anyway she caught on really quick!


Dave and I went to Sunrise Service at the cemetery on Meaderboro Rd. John Scruton played the accordian

prepping for Easter

It's not all about Candy and baskets and eggs. But, well, growing up, I knew I went to church then that's exactly what I got. Mom made baskets for everyone, Dad worked on filling them in the basement. Mom hit them in the weirdest places. Cmon who puts chocolate in the dryer? This year is the first year the whole family isn't getting together. Mom and I didn't fill plastic eggs with money for the kids to find. I read Luke 23. That's what prepping for Easter is. Understanding the death and rising of Jesus. I worked last night, slept til noon. Asked.Crysta to bring car back. She  got on the Rebel for a quick lesson on how to find neutral and operate in first gear and stop. She's coming back tomorrow. I went to see Mom. Found her Llama Colleen got her. Called uncle Ade so Mom could wish her baby brother happy birthday. Brought her laundry home. Stopped at the store. Then it happened. I broke down and bought a couple baskets and ca ndy. I bought Dave a mi

Dave my hero

While I was working Dave took the Relel apart to find the key code. Last year I hid the key so well even I couldn't find it. None of the 3 motorcycle places he called had any solution for us. The lsdt one said to call a locksmith. Without the code it was going to be $350. Dave went to Google and figured it out. Then called the locksmith back, drove to Concord NH and got 2 keys made. After work, I went to the town hall to register it. Dave picked crysta up from work, and met me there. Crysta paid the 25 dollars to register it, still in my name, of course. So she could use it.  She is very excited but I told her. I want to get it inspected and make sure she knows how to ride it before she uses it. She's going to come over this weekend to practice. Time to get the little orange cones out! After that excitement Dave took me th LA Corona our favorite Mexican restaurant in Rochester. This photo was taken from the internet. Not mine.

Insurance 101

Today I'm taking an insurance class with CORE Physicians. Not that I haven't been entering new patient insurance to medical charts for 4 years, but because things are always changing. I thought I could sharpen my sword. After class I had to work at my old desk at 7 Holland Way Exeter. No headset, no reference notes. No pad of paper. Just me my old computers and a phone.  Crysta is coming to the house and David is taking her to work. We talked about getting the motorcycle registered. My Rebel, so she can use it. Her written motorcycle test is scheduled for this Monday. I also need to get a locksmith because I lost the key. Always so much to do!

National Scrabble Day

Today is National Scrabble Day. Who knew? I invited Crysta over for a game night but don't know if she will come. She has been borrowing car due to they sold the truck and on market for another car. I lost my motorcycle key to the rebel, so Dave trying to get duplicate. I found all the paperwork in dinig room from when Michael bought it for me when he was 18! Still in mint condition.  Back to scrabble. Tonight will be a great night for it. 

waking up at this hour

I still have nightmares about getting fired in public from Securitas and me yelling, " I didn't do anything wrong !" Then I wake up.

Writing letters

Colleen and I are letter writers. I always try to find or make cards super special. The hankie one photographed here I found at the 4 corner antique store in a box. There was a hole in the back of the box like it had been hanging. With a mote inside to Aunt Judy. WELL I took it out of the box cut the front off with the handkerchief intact. I used double sided glue and put it on a new card for Colleen. She loves the color red. And is always wearing flowy skirts. She loved it.  As far as letters go I save them. I put them in binders to tell my history when I'm gone. But I really love reading them. I also have a little suitcase from gradeschool, filled with letters from friends and family when my parents split up.  I still keep in touch with some of those folks!

Colleens card


Crysta visited last night

She's in the process of getting another car, so I let her borrow mine. We had a steak top salad before she headed out. She asked if she could borrow my motorcycle, a rebel 250 that Michael bought me for mother's day when he was 18.  I said sure but she has to get her motorcycle license and I need to find the keys.

National Geographics


Trinkets &Treasures

I bought my bookcase at Trinkets and Treadures Rt 125 Rochester. It was my first time there and I MUST go back. Some of my favorite th8ngs to look at today were an old quilt, a tin platter with antique postage stamps on it, and some stand free closets. I can't remember the official name. Wardrobe? I also noticed tollerskates, tins and a fur coat caught my eye. The whole place remember I need me of the house I grew up in in West Virginia. My mom and Aunt Kathy Benedetto and Grandma Agatha Holmes loved antiques.

Don't wait

If you see something you intend to get don't wait for another day. DONT WAIT. That opportunity may not come again.  You have probably heard that a thousand times. YOU MAY HAVE EVEN SAID IT YOURSELF.  Yet, we continue to postpone. Today I lost the opportunity I had last week of buying a bookshelf that was just like my grandma's.  I kept telling myself it would be there when I went back. After all I live in the country and the little antique shop is not highly advertised.  I went in today and there it was. I was so happy to finally be picking it up. The tag was off of it and as I inquired about it a woman passed behind me sauing, "I bought it yesterday" And she was there to whisk it away, right before my eyes. It made me cry. I settled for a cheap stand in at another shop a few hours later. DONT WAIT.

Evening at home

Homemade pie crusts by me, fresh eggs from our coup and quiche made by Dave. Animals napping together. 


I scored an 8 letter word, GRANDEUR for the first time in my life if this game! 

The great Egret, Hampton NH



Anxious to start boating with Leap of Faith, today we drove to Alton Bay and Rye Harbor. Docks still aren't in!

Don't let David's expression misguide you! Karen's breakfast was fabulous. You know how people go on vacation and try to fit everything good into a week? I try to make EVERY day a vacation day! Don't live to work. Work to live.

Breakfast at Karens



Created 7 books today!


Faith is my youngest. She is going to school to be a veterinarian. She currently works at Canobie Lake Vet Hospital. I don't get to see her as much as I'd like but I'm very proud of her determination. Her love for animals overcomes all.



Michael and Shawna

My son Michael and his fiance Shawna Kelly live in Haslet Tx. Michael texted me last night that he is selling his house he just bought last year for like, $327k. So he will be making a huge profit. They are going to stay with Patti and Billy Kelly, Shawna parents. Until their next house is built. My cousin, Pat Connolly, and his wife Val, live out there too. Val sells houses for a living and got them in their first home and contracting the second. Mike says they are going to use some of the money to pay for their destination wedding. The date is still to be determined.

Crysta and Sammy

Last Weekend Dave and I visited My daughter Crysta and her husband Sammy Ronda. They live in Northfield NH in a beautiful house they built themselves. We took a rooster to them but he didn't make it. They also put maple sap on to boil on a fire outside.  Crysta and Sammy just got back from Forida last week so I also included a picture of her that she posted on Facebook.


Today David and I are making photo books. It's the weekend which means we are both off work. He works at Ham Radio Outlet in Salem NH as a manager and I work for CORE physicians at HOME!  We would probably be doing something else today but weeks have passed since Lynn's service and we wanted to send something for the family. My photographs are all I have to give.   Maybe if we can get them done early enough we can go for a photo shoot drive which is one of my favorite things to do. He drives and I shoot! 

Going Forward and Looking back

I started a blog. In the middle of my life. No rhyme or reason. No organization. Just random thoughts. After starting I got the ideas. Floodgates opened up. It made me think of my brother Joe. He used to give me blank journals for gifts. "To write well, first you must write"  That's how he signed them to me. Here is a picture of some of my journals.