The phone call

Yesterday afternoon I get a text right after work. "Call me. It's about Mom"
Colleen usually doesn't sent coded messages like that. I got a lump in my throat. She was supposed to be on her Friday family zoom call.
I managed to call her while driving David's truck home. She asked if I had my car. YES, I said. David's truck. My car. Whatever get the info.
Mom was not responsive and they couldn't wake her for zoom call.
Her oxygen was 74. She's being taken by ambulance to Frisbie hospital. Call when you get there. 
I called Dave at work and hr said he would meet me there.
I got there about an hour later.
They were busy with her but they let me in the room. Chest x rays,c2 orders of labs. CAT SCAN. A second CT. She didn't look herself. 
I sat beside her. I moved to a chair at her feet.
I asked what was going on but in the hustle I didn't really get it.
I don't remember the doctors name. The nurse was Jessica.
They couldn't tell me what they didn't know. So I was doing what every medical professional hates, I was going on the internet for answers.
I thought maybe it was an overdose. Maybe something didn't get documented. Tramadol? Gabapentin?
They assured me that wasn't it and they were pretty sure she had a urinary tract nfection.
Dr Allison I think her name was said she was being admitted due to oxygen levels although they had improved with just 2 liters
But Mom still was in and out of sleep.
There were no beds upstairs. The tests were done. Mom was sleeping.
Doc told me to go get sleep.


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