
Showing posts from October, 2023

Halloween Pasts

Shane carved the pumkins this year


For work they asked us all to make our desks our selected TV show. I chose swat even though I work remotely.  I sent my pucture to Shane who said Shay chose SWAT this year too! What is the likelihood of that?!


I made a path from the door to the bins and filled 4 bins, threw away 3 bags of trash.  Finally came in around 430pm to wash dishes and make dinner. Decided to make it special!

today's update I got a lot of shit to do


Mother's Day bulbs blooming

Shane bought me a Dahlia bulb pack for Mothers Day. They are blooming in mom's garden!

Sat October 28

Last night Billy left Shane attended at Goodfellas in Rochester. He called me for a ride about 920. I was already in bed but I got up anyway to go get him. That's what family does. He went upstairs to bed and I layed back down.  I got up at 415 to take him to his car at Custom Pools so he could go to Jesse's house today. He mentioned Chelsey and Mike broke up, and wondered what was going to happen to where there were going to live. Mostly because of Shay, but did mention he wished things had turned out different. I was worried and sad last night because Dave hadn't answered his phone, and later told me it bilothers him when I call him at work. He left his phone at work last night and I hate when I can't get ahold of him. Today we had stayed in bed just a little longer before he had to get up for work. I made breakfast for us, hadhbrowns eggs and 2 frozen waffles. I gotta go to the store today! I'm drinking coffee with a hot cocoa pouch because we are out of milk too


Yesterday I sent Faith a card with a picture of a Puffin on it. Just to ket her know I was thinking of her. Sent to Blake Hill Rd address 8n Epping

Garage update

I went through several more boxes forc2 hours after work yesterday. I found my old Spa bathrobe and some hand crocheted granny squares I brought in to wssh. I also threw away some old security papers. Half filled a black bin of stuff. Brought 3 of Mom's binders in. Put them upstairs. The more I try to organize stuff the bigger mess I make, it seems.


Shane thinks he broke his wrist last night, fighting.  Sport fighting. I hate it. Billy dropped him off here afterwards. This morning all I could do was offer up a wrist wrap I found in garage yesterday, Tylenol, and packed him a lunch. I think he thought he had a chance of not going to work today because Billy was late picking him up.  I made him an egg sandwich too.

Dave off

Dave is off today. I think he and Rick are going to work on boat. He got up for Bible study too. We had small pizzas for dinner last night. Not sure if we are going out for date night, but if not, he needs to go grocery shopping today!

Family Scandal

Mom's sister Katherine sher. FyI this obituary lists a daughter. My Aunt Kay never had a daughter. Mom received letters and calls that this woman took all her money. She was her house cleaner then took her in to help care for her, but often complained of her urinating on the floor in later years and got mad at her. My Aunt Kay worked hard all her life and was the Director of Nursing at a Hospital. This was an outrage and Mom and My sister Colleen tried to do something about it but were unsuccessful. It's sad this woman will go down in history as a family member.


Dave put the molding on the tub. I finally took mom's pictures off the cork boards from her celebration if life and putbthem in a small box until I can put them in an album. Dave and I played Mario and then Yatzee by candlelight.

546 PM

I had to go back to Home Depot because the paint I was planning to use was rock solid. I threw the light blue pain away, bought some premium 1 coat dark blue for the strip around the shower. I went to Job Lots bought a shower caddy a curtain some actual rings for the shower curtain

Saturday check in

It's only 830 am. Dave isn't at work yet, but I emptied out the bathroom and cleaned the shower/tub. Measured the piping or whatever you call it that needs replaced under tub. Took down all curtains and removed rugs. Time to go to Home Depot for brushes, a pan, caulking, new piping or trim, bleach and maybe a toilet paper holder and tub tray.shower hooks.tape and sandpaper.!BEFORE

A Saturday without Dave

It's supposed to be a rainy wet one. I got up to let the dogs, Loki and Ruby, out before 5 am. The cat, Gizmo, was waiting patiently behind my butt in bed. I let the dogs back in and layed back down with Dave, knowing it would only be an hour or so before he got up for morning Bible study on the ham radio. I didn't fall back to sleep but it was nice just to be there with him. My mind was wondering what I was going to do today.  I have several things to choose from, and honestly I'm up now and still don't know. He's on the radio, I'll make oatmeal for breakfast for the both of us. I'll fix Dave's lunch and see him off with the usual I love yous and have a nice day kiss. In the next couple of hours I'll choose from the list I made yesterday. Cross stitch work on Faith's project? Work on the garage? Paint the bathroom? Wash the floors? Write letters? Put my mom's photos from the boards at the funeral into an album? The list goes on and on. Last

be the inspiration

What inspires you? Is it the song you heard When you fell in love Or the place you had your first kiss? Is it the success of your effort Or the blood sweat and tears  You continue to endure? What. Exactly, inspires you? The bottom of the earth grief? The struggling mixed emotions? The beauty Or ugliness of life? My inspiration occurs in a single fraction of a second When I feel an emotion So intensely that I have To get it out before I explode. What inspires You? Be in the moment.


DAVE IS OFF WORK. He's going to work on winterizing our boat, Leap of Faith. I will be working answering phones at home for CORE Physicians. Let's see where the day takes us!

What will remain

It is so frustrating to try to find ancestors and what their lives were like. I've written so many journals in various formats, but I wonder, whatvwill remain? Will one of my relatives want to know more about the family and me or is this all for nothing? Today I registered with history hub looking for more Dowling Walsh info.

Michael and Shawna got married

OCTOBER 13 2023 MICHAEL Dittmar and Shawna Kelly got Married with 2 strangers hiking as witnesses 


Lazy kind of stay at home day! Made a nice big breakfast, took a long bath. Dave and I talked about my health insurance transition and we decided to go with the lowest cost plan for a year. If we don't have any major health issues it will save me 130 a paycheck. Dave bought some stuff to winterize the boat. I bought flowers for boss day tomorrow, bird seed dog treats for Ruby and soft cat food for Andy. I bought some gloves to clear out area in front of my work window so I xan see the birds and work on mom's garden. I wanted to get some fall bulbs but opted to postpone that. I bought 3 bins to organize some stuff in the garage. I guess when I write it all out we got a lot done, and it's not really a lazy day. I think I'll make an apple pie for dessert 


We are going out on Lake winnipausaukee today.  Just on our way at 1043 am.



Focus 244

We raced back from Rockland to go to the Focus 244 mingle in York. The Nikon Rep from NY was there and Dave wanted to talk about Lenses. He also showed me that my focus point on th Ed Z7Ii wasn't working because the back touch screen was on. Martin Culpepper was there with his mom Shannon.  Here's a few shots.

Lighthouse Passport

I bought my Lighthouse Passport at the museum for $16.00. I got the stamps for Owls Head and Rockland Breakwater. For every 60 stamps I earn a patch. I'm going to join the Lighthouse Historical Society for $25. I've been to a lot of lighthouses but now I have to find where to get the stamps. I can use puctures but it doesn't count towards a patch. Here's a picture of Owls Head! Dave took me on a rainy windy Saturday.

Columbus Day Weekend

Dave and I left Saturday morning for Maine. It was raining, but we trekked out to Rockland anyway. We went to the Puffin Project visitor center on Main St.We got there just in time to see a 20 minute film about them. I was impressed with the small but informational room. There were photographs and models of seabirds. A well stocked gift shop where I bought a sweatshirt and a Christmas ornament. Dave bought an informational laminated sheet identifying sea birds.  The bathroom was hand painted ! Dave noticed the Light House Museum just around the corner so we went there too!

Date night


In the Moment Day

I've really been trying to be mindful. Mindful of the way my body moves while I'm doing dishes. Mindful of how a spinach shake tastes with fresh raspberries and blueberries  Mindful of how a patient feels when I'm talking to them on the phone. And this evening, Mindful of how a woman felt as she waited for her flu shot. Walgreens. 3 little kids alone in her car. A 12 year old watching the 3 other younger screaming siblings. Texting the woman scheduled after me hurry up mom they are screaming. Poor kid. So I did the right thing. I'd already been waiting an hour.  She went ahead of me. 5 minutes after her I got my flu shot. But she didn't know that. To her I was some sort of God send. That didn't matter. What mattered is that mother left, feeling someone cared about her circumstance. It lessened her anxiety.  I'm grateful for that. For the opportunity to help someone.

Shane and Shay

Shane came home after work to tell me he's meeting shay for dinner at the Hungry Moose in Exeter. I know it will be a short visit for him bit I'm so happy he gets to see his sprouting girl.

Home for Now

Dave and I took the bag of clothes Faith wated mevto donate to Home fir Now. A homeless shelter for families here in Rochester. We met Charles. His wife nannies thecshelter. They are getting 32 residents on Monday. I let Faith know how much they appreciated her donation.

Shane and Shay

Shane was supposed to have a visit with Shay today. It's been 2 years. He waited a week once probation conditions were lifted. Chelsey cancelled. It's so sad.  Shane loves his baby girl more than everything