A Saturday without Dave

It's supposed to be a rainy wet one.
I got up to let the dogs, Loki and Ruby, out before 5 am.
The cat, Gizmo, was waiting patiently behind my butt in bed.
I let the dogs back in and layed back down with Dave, knowing it would only be an hour or so before he got up for morning Bible study on the ham radio.
I didn't fall back to sleep but it was nice just to be there with him.
My mind was wondering what I was going to do today. 
I have several things to choose from, and honestly I'm up now and still don't know.
He's on the radio, I'll make oatmeal for breakfast for the both of us.
I'll fix Dave's lunch and see him off with the usual I love yous and have a nice day kiss.
In the next couple of hours I'll choose from the list I made yesterday.
Cross stitch work on Faith's project? Work on the garage? Paint the bathroom? Wash the floors?
Write letters? Put my mom's photos from the boards at the funeral into an album?
The list goes on and on.
Last night I cleaned off the dining room table but made a mess everywhere else!
Moving things from one spot to another. Crazy.
I felt accomplished though because I had a clean place to sit for a few moments.
I'll write more later to fill you in.


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