Tax reulturn came back so Dave said he had to go to Manchester to pick up an antenna. He drove to Hunts parking lot instead. A camera shop. He got me a D500 extra battery and charger, flash, case, strap. It was really quite the surprise and can't wait to figure it our. He almost had me in tears. On the way home he stopped by a lake and I got some pictures of ducks. We also tried to get it to automatically upload to phone buy couldn't figure that part out in a parking lot. We then went home. Hebputva new battery in truck but it's still not working right. We went to st Josephs mass at 4pm. I brought home a book with the mass and songs in it to be familiar for my meeting with Father David on Tuesday. When I got home I got a call from Shane that Faith was upset with him and a call from Faith about Shane. They both live each other. They are both grieving. Sobits hard fir one to comfort the other and its easy to throw anger and frustration at each other. With Faith we ...