We went to Princes. Where I bought post cards and note cards. They were prints from a local painter. I walked across the street to Topside to get the truck and said hello to Hope.. she's vacationing there with her husband Nat and kids who were flying kites in the yard. I drove the truck across the cribstone bridge to BIGS which stands for Bailey Island General Store. It was so busy I had to park in a non parking spot just off the road. I walked in with 2 folks wearing rain slickers like something out of a movie or back in time. I checked each cooler for ice. The first one was bait and the second ice cream! I finally asked the young main sitting on the floor stocking the lacquer shelf if they had ice. "Nope. Been out since Saturday" I asked where I could get some he said probably no where around here. Brunswick? And maybe they'd get some tomorrow but you never know. Dave was still on the water and topped off the water tank at the Yacht club. He took his first shower fr...