Strafford Warming Center

Someone posted on Facebook they were trying to donate 2 bags of towels. They wanted to know where or who to donate them to. 
Several people said the local animal shelter, but one person said the willand Warming Center in Somersworth.
I didn't know anything about this place.
A temporary housing for the homeless that opens in winter or during inclement weather.
I looked up their need and they had sign ups for donating dinners.
So Dave gave me 50 dollars. His Christmas bonus from work.
I went to Hannafords and bought stuff for lasagna.
I was able to donate 2 lasagna pans.
Enough to feed 20 people or so.
The shelter on any given night serves 45 to 55 people.
I think I found my new focus for 2024.
When I arrived the doors were still locked. They were due to open at 5pm.
There were already about 10 people waiting to get it.
It was heartbreaking.
An elderly woman, a car full of I'm guessing a family and it looked like everything they owned packed in and on top of it.
A young man with nothing but a backpack and umbrella shivering.


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