
The shift in Healthcare is that you may be cared for by a nurse practioner instead of a doctor.
We have less and less doctors at Core and more APRNs.
My guess is that it's cheaper, easier to get the license, not as much school. 
I'm not saying they aren't good, or don't have their place. They do.
But sometimes you just need to be referred to a doctor or specialist.
I guess family doctors have to do the same. 
A big part of being a primary care provider is doing your homework before you meet the patient.
If they read your chart before your appointment, they can make you feel like they know you. 
You can tell when they don't.
Yesterday I had my annual physical with J Skoczylas. Not my PCP but I did ask for her. She's seen me before.
Patients just have to realize that if your doc or pcp see 16 patients a day, and they only see you 1x per year, chances are they aren't going to remember you.
It's all in how we'll they prepare.
I went to my appointment and she didn't even know I had been to the ER, but we worked it out and I was referred to a neurologist for my numbness in face.
I was also referred to gastroenterology for my colonoscopy that was due last year, a mammogram also due last year, and a pap smear.
We spoke about my high cholesterol, 237. Don't have yo go on a statin med yet but gotta lower it.
I've lost 16 pounds since last visit. I know I've lost more that that with noom and fitbit but gained it back. Gotta get more active. Reduce alcohol.
I got my second shingles shot.
We talked about my appointment with Jessica Perlman with ortho.
So while this appt was supposed to last half hour, it lasted an hour or more.
Daves appointment with Dr Frederick on the other hand lasted less than half hour. Didn't even get undressed. Didn't mention any of his current ailments. They want him to go on metgormin for his A1c being at 6 but he declined. They called the script in anyway. The reason he said he's not going on it is because a side effect in uncontrollable bowel movements.
He also still has one leg swollen from blood clot that just won't go away.


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