
Yesterday was pretty amazing.
I thought Dave was going to winterize boat, so I settled in living room and then got in bath, getting ready for a day of cross stitch or reading or some other keep busy inside activity.
But he said, "We're going out. I gotta get some things"
We went to Dover Marine. He got earphones that go over water intake on boat.
I had no idea. I asked if it was because it was noisy. He laughed. They go on the boat not his ears

Strange name, I thought to myself.
After that we went for breakfast. The big restaurant I think it's called Tuckermans but I'm not sure, next to Dover Marine, was a 45 minute wait.
The heck with that! We went to Strafford Farms and I got a veggie omelet. I only ate half of it. Dave got eggs potatoes sausage. We both got onion bagels. I opted out of cream cheese then stole some of his.
Dave under the weather. A cold, he thinks but he sounds horrible.
After breakfast I called Colleen to check on Ray because he was in a bad car accident the day before yesterday. He had a rough night more aches and pains and Colleen says more blood settling in face. I pray for his recovery.
Robin Reasbeck called. She got my letter that I might make it to Wheeling the first week of December for our 60th birthdays. Especially since she came up for our 50th.
Then the biggest surprise of all is Dave took me to Hunts Photo store in Manchester. He bought me a 35mm 1.8 lens, 2 filters for protection and a bag that safely carries both cameras.
We also called Conny his mom who is doing well.
It was raining before we left the camera store but I took pictures all the way home.
Here are a few of my favorites


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