November 11

Veterans Day. 
Dave and I
had breakfast at home. Our own chicken eggs. We played a game or two of Mario and headed out around noon.
We went to Dover Marine to exchange a pump he needed to finish winterizing the boat.
We went to Goodwill so I could donate a bag of clothes.
I also bought a painting of a heron for the bathroom. It's one of my favorite birds. I bought 2 pair of pants, a hot air balloon painted on a wood circle, and a unique flower vase.
I called Colleen 3 times at least, and wrote letters to Marlene Stobbs, maiden name Thomas one of my best friends from Wheeling Island. I sent her mom's obituary.
I wrote a letter to Colleen on moon stationary, and Teresa on a B card. For Barbie, because she loved the Barbie movie so much.
Dave and I watched some TV but we really weren't into it.
Around 6 we went outside and he took pictures of the satellites launching. It was a cold evening out in the cornfields and I brought him a coat.
We had a nice fire outside.
The police were called by the neighbors because our landlords grandson was out shooting exploding targets. The police pulled into our driveway to talk to him.
No charges. All good.


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