other news

I worry about Dave. 
He has been having excruciating abdominal pain. He's been refusing to go to the doctor.
Finally 2 days ago, he went to Eppings Acute care. That's how I know it's bad. They think his gallbladder may be the issue. He had an ultrasound yesterday and we are waiting for the results.
I mentioned to Dave that he should go on a diet, more of an awareness, and stop some of the icecream and fried food.
He didn't want any part of that. I felt bad for making so many sweets for him but he said if I didn't make them he'd just buy them elsewhere.
Anxiously awaiting results so we can get him better.
Michael texted me a couple days ago asking how we were and do I have any job suggestions for him.
I looked up some jobs and found Rapid Transit police but he said it was 81 miles from him.
UPS but they only have seasonal openings. Dispatcher but he said he did for 2 weeks with Bedford and hated it. I asked him what we wanted to do and I didn't get an answer. Citi has reduced his workforce and has a new VP.
He still has a job, but he's looking.
Crysta is teaching 7th graders earth science. I got back to her saying she could take the wings but I didn't want them permanently given to the Farmington School. 
I was hoping someone in family would keep them.
Faith texted Dave asking to use the truck Saturday. He said he had to work but I might be able to. She didn't reach out to me.
I texted her yesterday and she called me after class.
Donny gave her 2 weeks to move out so she's moving to Epping with her friend Faith's Mom.
I'm sad she didn't want to live here but I get it.


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