
I started Lark with fitbut March 22. So far I've lost 6 pounds.
It's mostly due to drinking more water, logging my meals and moving a little more but I'm not even up to exercising or walking 5 days a week yet. 
I don't plan on gaining weight ever again. It's really hard to lose.
I have trouble mostly at night when Dave and I sit down to watch TV.
I'm not eating as much bread. I'm not drinking as much alcohol.
I'm trying to eat more fruit and vegetables and get more fiber in my diet.
I eat more small things throughout the day.kiwi. celery. Carrots.
Raw tuna. Cream of wheat. Rice. Kidney beans. You get it.
It's an overall approach. If I can fit 10 jumpingjacks or windmills in I do. 
Lark isn't as good as noom, but it's free. Because I'm pre-diabetic. 
Obese. My insurance would rather pay for a scale then weight related hospital stays!
Now if I could only get them to pay for the $69 works membership!


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