Helping like mom

Tis morning Crysta said I could come over between 9 and 11 but she was trying to juggle getting ready for May's birthday sleepover. Shescsweetc16. Mac also had soccer camp. The house is in reconstruction mode.
So I offered to help pack and move stuff from apartment like mom helped me move.
I went to her apartment by myself after Dave went to work. I borrowed his truck and picked up thr big Adirondack chairs and yellow table. I also took as much stuff as I could load.
It brought me so much jot yo help.
I took it to Crystas as she was making breakfast. She didn't have any silverware there. She made me 2 eggs and I ate with a measuring spoon. Itcwas funny.
They ate sandwiches but I'm cutting back on bread.
We picked up and swept.
Then she had to take Mac to practice so I went back to the apartment and packed up half of her kitchen. 
The first box I used wasn't taped and started to fall through bottom as I carried down the stairs but I managed to get into truck sideways.
I also packed 3 other boxes of cookware and pans. Food. Whatever I could fit.
I took some blankets fir May's gathering. They were going to have s fire.i also took two baskets of clothes and bathroom stuff.
I picked up the quilt I made her that needs to be repaired The yellow and brown Ohio Star quilt that took me 4 years to make.
After several hours at spartment I took the load to house.
Jessie and Mac helped unload Crysta was getting girls.
Then I went to the store and got ice cream cake and cheese cake a card and stuff for Smored.
I tookbit back and Crysta and girls were all there.
I hot Crysta a little ivy for her kitchen window because it had a new leaf on too shaped like a heart.
I had a beer and then came home because Dave was coming home.


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