Dwayne Cummins

Dwayne Cummins passed away.
We became friends around 1981. 
He was a good friend from Wheeling WV
He was always the friend i went to when feeling down. Or after a breakup.
We were never romantically involved but he loved my family like his own. He came to see us in New England I think in 2015 or 16.
We went to Boston and Portmouth, Hampton Beach and a pontoon boat ride with my friend Lisa.
I didn't know what happened so the Jebbia Manager called me to say he was sick on a unday so called out of work. Dwayne has never called out. On Monday he didn't call and didn't show up so the manager called police for a welfare check and found him deceased.
He had a heart attack a couple years ago and needed a by pass but never got it.


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