April 1 23

I woke up to snow. This is out my bedroom window.
Dave and i are both off today. Last night he mentioned jyst sitting around today while we would have thunderstorms outside. So it might warm up and rain.
Im going to work on editing photos from Connys party. Hopefully we can get out to dtop off a bag for Goodwill and buy dog and cat food.
My trip with Colleen to Ireland is in 3 weeks. I dont have the money for it so maybe ill try to pick up extra shifts at Exeter Hospital to watch psych patients. I always get so exhausted when i do that.
I used to sell things like Mom did when i needed money but im not sure what i have to sell. 
Ill try to think of what else to do this weekend to make money.
Colleen Ray zac and kids Ron and shirl and i think jess and jerry are all going to be in Virginia this week and i feel like im missing out.
I have to be selective about time off.
We still dont know when we are going to see Charlie or go to West Virginia.
I'm going to make popovers this am. I haven't made them in awhile but I found out at Connys that I'm not the only one in the family that can't get them to pop all the time. Julie's didn't pop either. They still tasted good.
Today I put the 1 cup of  flour in a heated metal bowl put the eggs in warm water and took milk out of fridge before getting my bath.
When I get out I will microwave the milk and preheat the oven before I put the batter together. I'll probably heat the pan too.
Popover seem so simple because the ingredients are so simple. Flour milk and eggs. Salt. Sometimes butter.
It's all about the heat and timing.
Don't overmix the batter. Pour into a hot pan and oven.
I'm looking forward to trying again today!
Crysta is supposed to be moving to Milton today in a house she is buying. I have no idea the address.
I miss  her. I've invited her and Faith and Shane for Easter. So far the only confirmed is Shane.
I think I'm all caught up for now!


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