Another Hunts store

Dave told me about and Hunts store in Melrose? Ma and asked if I wanted to drive down.
It wasxa rainy non photo drive kinda Sunday so it seemed like a good idea.
We picked up another shoe for the tripod. They had to look up our purchase from Manchester to find the right model but they had one.
We also looked at some macro lenses. The add on Nikon lenses made for the Z model camera do seem to be more sharp but they should be at almost $900 a lense or more. It costs $24 a day to rent one which wouldn't be a big deal to rent one or two different lenses for an event but not for Ireland.
Maybe when I get back we can try a couple out for a day or two.
Dave also got a bubble level and a Z7 book for me. Man it's bigger than the Excel book I used in college.
The z7 camera is a machine! Mini computer! I wonder if I will ever master it.


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