Typewriter for Crysta

Yesterday I got a text from Crysta
'HEY mom do you still have a typewriter?"
I explained to her I had two. One from a garage sale in the garage.
I thought one from mom in art room. 
I went out to garage and found the one from garage sale. I took it out of case. I started to type with it and realized the letters were not English.
I took a picture with my phone and shared it, asking what language it was. Then I sent to Michael. 
Michael is this Russian?
I asked him because he took Russian in college. He said it was Russian and his notebook should be around the house somewhere.
I responded you never know I might need it if the situation with Russia goes to shit.
Back to Crysta. Told her I'd check the one upstairs.
I brought it down to the kitchen table and noticed a small sale tag on the handle.
Then I remembered I bought it at 4 Corner Antiques. I opened the case and tried it.
Still works.
I typed a note to Crysta but signed it May 13 2023. Instead of March. That tells you where my mind is.
Crysta wanted the typewriter because one of her students at Shortridge Academy said he couldn't do homework because he left his laptop somewhere so she asked him jokingly 
What's it going to take, a typewriter?
And he said yes.
Now I don't really think he will make it very far with the Remington Remette from the 1930s. It doesn't have a 1 key or auto spacing.
The keys have to be pressed down halfway the length of your finger and you have to find ink ribbon on ebay.theres no correction tape.
We will see. But Crysta said she wanted to show this student she kept her end of the bargain. 


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