Introduction to Photography

This seems like an odd post for me. I've been taking photographs my whole life. I've even eexhibited and sold my work. 
But equipment changes. Files are lost. Website gone. Logo expired.
The camera was upgraded. I say THE camera and not MY camera because Dave has decided to join me in my photographic life.
I will have to admit that my eyes were open in the brought me back to my photography class as a senior at Wheeling Park High.
I knew about the concepts of aperture shutter speed and ISO but did not know how to manage them on my Nikons.
I've been successful with auto mode. I have great composition skills. Yet I felt a novice and inadequate after the class in a wild life real world setting. 
It's going to take time and patience and practice. It's going to take experimentation. It's going to be challenging for me because I don't want to miss a shot.
After the class it was all jumbled in my head.
I let Dave put the tripod on the 5300 because he was interested in getting a waterfall shot. He succeeded.
I tried to get some duck shots and the Newmarket mills. I failed.
But here I am up at 5am to go at it again.
I also have to dig out my external hard drive again and get back on smug mug.
I say smug mug not to necessarily sell stuff but more to organize and make visible to others.
Dave asked me if I was interested in Wedding Photography.
I think I would be really good at it but would need a macro lens. My goal or on my bucket list is a Nikon 105 for my next lens but they run between 800 to 1000 dollars.
I think today I want to practice taking pictures of people indoors.
On aperture priority setting.
I'll use Dave as a model or go out and about but it's important I get that down over the next couple of weeks so I can cover Connys 90th birthday adequately.


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