For the gift

Dear mom
the sparkle in your eyes 
The wisdom in your laughter
The lesson that love follows us 
With memories ever after.
You've always been  my compass
My supporting,
Courageous guide
I'm not sure who I would be today.without you by my side.
I thank you for 
The structure
I thank you for
The gray
I thank you for believing
That I would make my way.

In This small gift of gratitude
I hope you feel the love and joy that you have given us.

The gift Dave and I got Conny arrived yesterday. The car is packed with photo booth stuff. Metal Ice bucket.Flowers should arrive today.
We invited Conny Julie and Chris out to dinner but had to cancel because Conny has a zoom.
(However wanted to make note for Dave and I to try Boones in Portland sometime on the waterfront) I've never been there.
I still want to do the book for her and I'm wondering if I just do it for her to set up or for me to set up and ask her the questions and add pictures. I'll have a day to look into it more and decide. 
I still want to do a book for Mom's grandkids.
Back to the party. Well we weren't sure it was going to happen because of Covid. But Dave and I both said it should still go on even if we have to take somewhere else.
Chris Little coming into Portland at 630. Dave and I offered to get him but I guess that's out too I don't know. Have to ask Julie.
We talked to Conny she seems very excited to have her family all together. Other than that she really didn't want anything.


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