Aunts and Uncles

The profound lack of acknowledgement of a neice or nephew.
An Aunt or Uncle.
Researching genealogy when all that is recorded are direct lineage relatives. Child
 Parent. Grandparent. Grandchild. Brothers sisters. 
My heart breaks as I age.
Remembering with great love my Aunt Kathy. Who made my wedding dress. Who I tagged along with to Sally's and spent Many weekends with. My Uncle Ade who taught me about landscaping and hard work. Who was my friend in my teenage years of growing into a world full of negotiations.
My Aunt Kay who never forgot a birthday from the time I was born. My Aunt Margie who let me come and stay with her and who's sons came and stayed with me. My Aunt Jackie who used to sent me gifts from her travels and write to me her songs and poems. Uncle Ken who took me driving around in his rig. My Aunt Shirley's who aren't really my Aunts but mom said they were my Aunts and they acted like them and were always there or I n contact. Why are nieces and nephews and cousins and Aunts and Uncles erased from the dashes of our ancestors?


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