
Mom asked me to tell her story. I cannot tell you her whole story today but I can tell you her key beliefs that she lived by.

The first is her faith. God was in her life everyday. If you asked her where she got her strength she would always answer God. Her relationship with him was unwavering. When she was sad she prayed. When she was happy she sang alleluia. In faith she learned love.
Which brings me to her love. She said everyone deserved to be lloved She loves everyone of us here today. She would tell you what she loved about you. She would bring out the best in you and made you feel a love that stayed with you.
She was wise beyond my comprehension. When someone stole from her she'd say they must have needed it more than her. 
She even gave strangers reasons to smile. Most of you may have a story about her striking up conversations with anyone who would her love she was our teacher. She taught traditional ways of life . Rug braiding. Making baskets. Canning
 Outdoor safety. Plant identification. Most importantly she taught g t me that it was never to late to start again. By example. Her past did not dictate her future. 
She had many hardships. Bit after raising 4 children after I got married she went to college to further her understanding of Appalachian history and to teach. To keep art and culture alive. To teach you. To remember tell stories. She graduated at age 52 to further her sharing of llove and light.
So please keep her alive. Tell hercstory.


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