
This morning ivwas raking a bath in a hotsy totsy bath brick. It was marvelous. Dave had to go tovwirk and I was planning to go see mim. 
I gitca call from her nurse Kelsey. Mom had a black tarry bowel movement with blood.

She asked if I wanted her to go to hospital. I called Colleen who asked if she called doctor. She hadn't. I called kelsey back to call doctor. 
I drove there and the doctor ordered labs. 
Shane came by with Schaeffer and it was so upsetting for him to see his non like that. He talked with her cried with her hugged her.
Mom wasn't very responsive all day. I stayed with her until like 40m when Dave came and stayed with her so I could get a nap.
But 2h3n I got home shane wasn't here. I called him and he had taken Ruby with him and Matt Schaeffer to Matt's mim Rondas house in Lee.
I drove there to get a ruby brought her home and fed her.
I gotca box of grandma and aunt Kathy's wool from Colleen. A butterfly pin. A typed how to from Aunt Kathy.
Colleen sent Mom a dream catcher
 I'll take it to her tomorrow.


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