Labor Day weekend

Mom was admitted to Wentworth Douglas Hospital on Sept 1. I received a call from Birch Healthcare that Dr Riscola said to call ambulance. Her heartrate was 130 and her extremities were swollen.
Ive been going over every day. They gave her heparin drip then Eloquis 10mg 2x a day for a week. They are also giving her metoprolol.
CT revealed blood clots in both lungs. She is still being treated for UTI.
She can't make full sentences. They aren't sure she will recover to that capacity. Dr Sheriff at WDH has been amazing and meeting me everyday. Mom has connected with an LPN Heather who is an herbalist as well. When she's in with Mom she holds mom's hand and doesn't let go.
Dave and I stayed close this weekend. He had offered to take me to Erie. Hoe could I turn that down? Well with Mom and the house needing work Labor Day Weekend really dud turn into a weekend of labor.
On Saturday we cleaned out the chicken coop. It was an all day affair outside of moms visit.
I made a nice bug breakfast! Pancakes. I always
Put an egg and oil in the batter even when it's not called for.
Eggs from our chickens. Thick sliced bacon. Hash browns.
It sustained us until dinner.
We were both very tired.
We also took some of Dave's clothes to Goidwill. I found a bin of his clothes in the garage. A very large bin. Most were 2x. I put some good ones aside for my nephew Ryan.
Some fit Dave. Rugby  shirts his mom got him and some Ll Beans. Probably enough to fill a dresser drawer!
I didn't buy any clothes at goodwill but I fell on love with and old table that was only$4. I also scored a washboard from Columbus Ohio and a stoneware 10 inch pie plate from clay city pottery Indiana.
Dave dropped me off to visit mom with Crysta while he went to get truck and pick up the table
Su day we cleaned out a space in porch to put the table.
We found that under the boxes scattered about was a broken very large bin of Dave's fire fighting memorabilia. Some of it was his Dad's or grandfather's. We took out the stuff salvageable to clean.
We also found a bin of wedding stuff.
We went to Lowes and bought a few bins to store stuff we wanted to save and a shelf to hang 8n his radio room to put the stuff we found on.


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