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Roe vs Wade was overturned today. The country is going backwards.
I would never get an abortion but I think it should be the woman's choice.
Shane is in max. He didn't want to move pods. Said he would get off prescription they are giving him. 
Colleen wants me to go to Ireland with her.i can't go for 2 weeks but I could go go 1. But I don't have money. Colleen said she would get me a ticket.
We are so different. She likes everything planned. I prefer just getting lost and taking pictures.
We treasure our differences and make it an adventure both ways! Plan to get lost.
Rich Butlers wife Kristen died of cancer. Dave stopped by to see Rich on his way home. Dave's good like that.
I went to see Mom. She was up in her broda chair again. Her oxygen wasn't in and it was hard to wake her up. I put it back in and got a nurse. I got her talking and then fed her some peaches and pears. 
We talked about my little peeps and I showed her pictures of flowers that are blooming. Her eyes twinkle when she sees puctures of animals.
I still can't believe mom was my age when Michael was 6. She was in better shape than I am that's for sure..
As we get older we start comparing ailments.  Today my right leg is swollen with sores all over it. Dave's back hurts. I have bone spurs in my get the gist.


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