
I made popovers and a carrot cake. Then Dave got up. We ate and went to see Mom. I took her some of the carrots cake and Mexican flatulence which she loved.
I painted a couple pictures that didn't amount to anything but she still loved them.
That's what mothers do.
We worked in the garden. Dave bought cucumbers and squash to go with beets carrots and tomatoes he already planted. I tried to weed out my raging jungle but got tired after 2 wheel barrows full.
Rick Carrico came over while we were outside and invited us to steak dinner at his house which we gladly accepted.
Some things never change.
The top picture at our wedding has them both distracted. Then yesterday? Same thing.
Rick and I have been friends since we met at the Sheriff's office like in the 80s.  We started hanging out again when I was going to buy his trailer in 2016. But then I met Dave Barker again and we ended up all living together in Farmington!


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