Tough Week

After mom got out of hospital, Colleen came to see her. Jessica was going to come but Colleen said she needed her more in Tennessee.
Colleen spent everyday with mom. I don't think she realized how much her health was failing. Mom almost didn't make it this week.
Colleen learned the names of everyone who had anything to do with mom. In spite of all our notifications they still fed mom grilled cheese. Birch Hill still doesn't have a good method of passing on information. Orders to have mom checked every 2 hours weren't done in a timely manner and mom went a whole day without being changed.
Mom ate again, but Colleen found out her favorite treat nowadays are peaches. Probably second to chocolates.
Hospice is still undetermined provider as of today. Colleen leaves today but she was able to call Compassus.  I have a meeting with them today at 1030 with the whole team, so I took the morning off work.
Crysta came over last night to see mom,me,and Colleen.
After visiting mom, we went to the Thai place downtown Rochester. A day before payday for me so crysta ended up treating us. She is the second person on mom's Healthcare power of attorney, which she didn't know. So she's going to try to take off work to participate. 
Colleen also told me mom needs to be recertified for medicaid so I need Michael to get letter from bank stating her account was closed. They said they needed to do process all over because mom was at hospital paid for by Medicare.
I also have to have the funeral conversation or last wishes but it's a hard conversation to have. I don't want her to just give up and die.
It's a conversation Colleen did not have with her this week.
I can't be there for mom the way Colleen was, everyday. All day, feeding her giving her water running for nurses and aids, running to store on a whim, running to kitchen to get a bun.
I would have to quit my job, or not get paid on fmla, and I can't afford to do either of those.
Today will officially be my first day with her without Colleen. For arrangements.
I had a nightmare about it. That I was late for the meeting and they had without me. More details I don't want to air out here.
I gotta get up, get everyone on the road, and write out my to do list because that's the only way I get things done.
Prayers for the day!


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