
Mom started eating again a little the day before  yesterday after not eating for more than a week. I really thought she was going to die. The UTI she was hospitalized for really did a number on her. I took over 2 pieces of pumpkin roll the day before yesterday She ate those and 2 figs. Yesterday she ate chicken salad for lunch and asked Colleen to buy pizza.
After a long day of Colleen Mom and I in her room with team meetings and hospice, we went to Village pizza to get a small pepperoni and cheese! When she smelled it she said "Where's my pizza?" . She ate 3 pieces really fast then got a belly ache.  
This post was in my unpublished posts so it is outdated. I saw mom yesterday. May 15. She loved the popovers I made. She keeps taking her oxygen out. 
The person on was someone I don't recognize. She didn't recognize me either and didn't seem to know what or where or how to check mom's o2 sat 
Mom said someone told her she didn't need it in if it was making her dizzy. And also told mom that sometimes when she. The aid or nurse or whoever was talking to her. Wore a nasal canula her nose got sore.
They took her off Lirazapam, or Ativan, and now she has her nervous cough back. 
But no one will listen to me. I'm not a doctor or nurse. I don't know what I am talking about.
So it must be COPD. Allergies. Post nasal drip.
Those things were ruled out years ago.
She lived with me for 30 years!


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